Русский English

Assigning criteria


Assigning criteria to screens

To assign criteria to a screen:

  • Go to the Screens tab in the left menu.

  • Click on the corresponding screen.

  • Go to the Criteria tab.

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  • Click on the Add criteria button. The Add criterion dialogue opens.

  • Select criteria ticking them in the list.

  • Click Add to finish assigning criteria to the screen.

Assigning criteria to frames

To assign criteria to a frame:

  • Go to the Screens tab in the left menu.

  • Click on the corresponding screen.

  • Go to the Frames tab.

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  • Select the corresponding frame from the drop-down menu.

  • Click on the Add criteria button. The Add criterion dialogue opens.

  • Select criteria ticking them in the list.

  • Click Add. The Add criterion dialogue closes.

  • Click Save frame to finish assigning criteria to a frame.