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Interactives and websites



Websites are basically HTML5 documents located in the local network or on the Internet, which are opened remotely by the player. The player uses Chromium engine to open such documents. In some cases, when a screen loses the Internet connection, or when the HTML5 resource can't load fast enough due to weak Internet connection, there's a good reason to use Интерактивные объявления HTML5 to solve this problem.

Interactive ads in HTML5

An HTML5 ad, unlike a website ad, is located on the player and is not affected by the Internet connection problems. A file of an HTML5 ad is a zip archive that should contain at least the index.html file. It can also contain any other files, such as javascript files, css files, videos, images and so on.

Here's a minimalistic example of a zip archive with an HTML5 ad:

-- index.html
Note: City Screen players use Chromium engine to display HTML5 ads. For this reason we recommend to perform the debugging of an HTML5 ad in the Chrome browser.

System variables

In HTML5 and websites you can play different content on different frames. And you don't need to create several ads for different screens. You can create only one ad and program it to play different content depending on a frame. To do that you need to receive frame ID.

To be able to receive frame ID inside an interactive ad, you need to insert the following code into the page:

    var csPlayerData = {};
    function onAfterPlayerInit(){
        //code executed upon initialization of the data class
    function onBeforePlayerShow  (){
        //code executed upon the start of the broadcast of the current page on screen
    function onAfterPlayerShow  (){
        //code executed after the beginning of the broadcast of the current page on screen


  • csPlayerData is a data class received from the City Screen system. In it csPlayerData .frameId is an ID of the currently active frame.
  • onAfterPlayerInit is a function executed after the page opens and after the initialization of the csData class.
  • onBeforePlayerShow is a function executed before the start of the broadcast of the currently active ad.
  • onAfterPlayerShow is a function executed after the beginning of the broadcast of the currently active ad.

csPlayerData structure

  • displayAddress screen address, obtained from metadata
  • displayId screen id
  • displayName screen name
  • displayLatLong screen coordinates, for screens with screen type mobile coordinates from GPS/GLONASS sensors will be given, if available
  • displayResolution screen resolution, contains one object like {"width": 600, "height": 300 }
  • displayPlacementType installation type indoor / outdoor, obtained from metadata
  • displayInstallationType screen type fixed / mobile, obtained from metadata
  • displayCriteria array of screen criteria, contains objects like {"id": 1, "name": "Name" }
  • frameId frame id
  • frameName frame name
  • gid frame's inventory number
  • frameResolution frame resolution, contains one object like {"width": 600, "height": 300 }
  • frameCriteria array of frame criteria, contains objects like {"id": 1, "name": "Name" }
  • campaignId campaign id
  • campaignName campaign name
  • advertisementId ad id
  • advertisementName ad name
  • duration expected slot duration of a ad
  • categories array of campaign categories, contains objects like {"id": 1, "name": "Name" }
  • variables user-declared variables, contains one object like {"key_1":"value_1", "key_2":"value_2",...,"key_N":"value_N"}, containing all user-declared variables, set for this ad, campaign, frame, screen, playlist, schedule, file in media library

Custom variables

Custom variables can be used to pass additional data to the html page content in an interactive ad, to reuse the same content files while automatically changing how they look or what they do.

To use a custom variable first you need to create this variable, then set it to a desired entity: content file, screen, frame, criterion, campaign, ad or playlist.

Create custom variable

To create a custom variable go to the Variables page and click on the Create variable button. The dialogue will open. Fill the form in the dialoge. image alt text


  • Name is the name of the variable in the list, not passed to the html page content.

  • Key is the name of the variable, passed to the html page content.

  • Type of variable is the type of value, which should be stored in this variable, available types: String, Integer, Fraction.

  • Entities are entities to which this variable can be set.

Set custom variable to entity

To set custom variable to entity:

  • In the settings of this entity click on the Set variable button. image alt text

  • In the opened dialogue select the desired variable and click Next. image alt text

  • On the next step set a value, which should be passed to this entity in this variable, then click Save, to complete setting variable to entity. image alt text

You can set variable to entity in the settings of this entity. For example, you can set variable to a screen on the Variables tab in the settings of this screen. You can set variable to an ad in the Variables of the ad section in the settings of this ad, etc.

To edit values of a variable you need to reset this variable with the new value.

Variables with the same name in different entities will redefine each other in the order of precedence:

  • Content file (lowest priority)

  • Criterion

  • Screen

  • Frame

  • Playlist

  • Campaign

  • Ad (highest priority)